- Testimonials-
"Dearest Viveka Your warmth, your ability to hold space, listen, guide me through the experience, and explain what shows up as a message in a language that is useful and accessible, was very insightful and made me see how it can be applied right away to a few questions I was sitting with."
-- Anjan Prakash

"Viveka’s most valuable quality is her ability to listen without judgement. She creates a space of warmth, comfort and amiability so you always feel like you’re in safe hands. She takes time to understand you and gives you the room to open up at your own pace without ever waning in compassion.
Her guidance doesn’t ever come at the detriment of you, and it’s never preached or dictated, rather it’s explained with patience and empathy. Viveka is unique in the way she is open to knowledge and perspectives. She works hard to make sure her foundations are solid and balances different disciplines with nuance."
-- Mae Thomas,
Podcast Founder and Host

"She is very good at helping you centre yourself and tuning into your energies. In just half an hour I recognised so many of the patterns going through my head, both good and bad. In these troubled times, a session with Viveka will really help you come to terms with your thought processes and provide a sense of direction."
-- Annapurna Mitra
Economist, India

"The process has helped me view my current circumstance with a different lens, reminded of my strengths and directed me towards tools that can perhaps help declutter my current chaos in life. Most importantly Viveka helped me realise that all that I need is within me. I look forward to do a follow-up soon."
-- Tahira Newaz
Sustainability Consultant, UK

"Viveka has an intuition, a lovely warmth of spirit and insight I can only dream of.
I always come away feeling restored, nourished and with a golden nugget of insight that without her presence I couldn’t hear.
From helping cure my IBS (better than any other prescription/diet I’ve tried) to helping me discover a stronger grasp on my instincts and intuition. Can not recommend Viveka’s lovely healing insights and wisdom enough!
Many thanks again for all your help."
-- Imogen Irving
Actor, Yoga Facilitator, UK

"Viveka is patient and holistic in her approach. Her own experiences have strengthened her belief in spiritual pursuits and hence deepened the quality of the therapy she offers. Sensitivity and mindfulness come naturally to her which enables the therapy to flow seamlessly."
-- Abhishek S. Murthy
Craft and Design Consultant, India

"I trust Viveka with everything; right from sharing my emotions, understanding my triggers and working on my deepest insecurities. She makes all these difficult tasks achievable only because she herself has spent years understanding and working on human relationships, the mind and healing techniques. Her sessions always create a space of deep, judgment free understanding that gently helps me see patterns and get to the root. She has an incredibly special way of honouring every individual and the journey they are on."
-- Manisha Kairaly
Founder Trustee - Adavi Trust
Organic Farming Expert, India
"Her readings are more intuitive, insightful and liberating. In a way she acted as a bridge between my sub conscious and it's deeper knowledge . I am definitely going to recommend her to others"
-- Aditi Kumar
Art Historian & Freelance Writer, London UK
"Viveka by nature, has a special aura about her- calm and spiritual. So immediately you feel at ease when you're talking to her.
Viveka goes the extra mile so as to help you with suggestions, solutions and makes you feel less alone in this journey. She takes an added interest to check on you and helps you with your mind and soul!
-- Adithi Shetty
Head of Operations- Fresh Pressery